In Conversation with Charu Suri: NATJA Award-winning Journalist and Jazz Pianist

This year, motivated by my previous Women’s History Month posts, I am interviewing inspirational women who have a fascinating story to tell. Charu Suri is an award-winning pianist and jazz composer who recently debuted her new album, The Book of Ragas: Indian Jazz and the New American Songbook, at Carnegie Hall. She has also won…

In Conversation with Ariana Frangos: Adelphi Development and Baio-Bar Founder

For Women’s History Month this year I interviewed inspirational women, each with tremendous depth and a unique story to tell. With me today is avid traveler and entrepreneur Ariana Frangos, founder of Adelphi Development and sustainable woman-owned company, Baio-Bar, launching later this month. She talks about risk-taking, upholding a positive mindset towards money, and remembering…

The Truest Blue: Awagami Indigo & Paper

  Set in the Tokushima Prefecture of rural Shikoku, Awagami Factory creates some of the most stunning indigo washi seen in Japan. Eight generations of the Fujimori family have helped to preserve this beautiful Japanese traditional craft. Last Autumn I had the honor of meeting the overseers of Awagami, master paper-maker Mr. Yoichi Fujimori and…

The Art of Takezasado Woodblock Printers

My second trip to Kyoto was a whirlwind of art, design, and tradition: I didn’t stop moving for the few days I was there for, taking in everything I could within that short expanse. One moment I was walking through the Nishijin district and in another I was zipping through narrow streets, viewing the city…
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